


In late 2023, the team at Opine recognized a missing link in the sales pipeline of commercial and enterprise software that needed to be addressed. The most expensive part of a software transaction is the proof-of-concept, which is crucial to over 90% of closed-won deals. Delivering on a consistent experience while determining success criteria across multiple buyers is difficult with today's ad-hoc solutions.


I worked alongside senior leadership and the team at Opine to build a low-barrier-to-entry platform that allowed vendors to deliver a consistent proof-of-concept experience that highlighted success criteria, decreased time-to-value, and increased overall win rates.

Deal details page tracking progress, interactions, and next steps while displaying relevant metrics for organization leadership


Over the course of ~5 months, I worked on building the foundation of Opine's platform, a feature called Pilots. Pilots are structured proof-of-concept experiences that vendors can create and share with potential customers, providing those customers a clear picture of goals, needs, and timeline.

Our goal was to ensure the platform was intuitive to approach and understand, minimizing friction that is prevalent in existing solutions. Opine could not be another tool a buyer needed to learn.

During my time with Opine's team I worked on designing 0 -> 1 experiences for Evaluations, Playbooks, Deals, Insights, Requests, and Summaries, as well as integration configuration and email notifications.

Top-down view of deals across organization sales pipeline with data fetched from CRMs such as Salesforce

Criteria organized in familiar list formats

Threaded comments highlighting changes in criteria status

Intelligent template suggestion in request creation

Example of simplified data visualization across metrics

Design System

The team's goal was to move quickly, which meant Design and Engineering were producing, refining, handing off, and building simultaneously. To service this process while minimizing the collection of design-debt, I built a lean design system that facilitated exploration (schematics), communicated structure (layout), and realized our vision (renderings), all while allowing for easy maintenance.

Schematics and rendered components allowed for flexible exploration while maintaining consistency across primitives

Schematics and renderings for regularly occurring patterns

Difference between schematic and rendering with content


The simplicity of Opine's platform meant we were afforded opportunities to highlight the frictionless experience we were building. I spent a lot of time showcasing the possibilities of delightful interactions and transitions where possible. All of this prototyping was done in Figma to remain lean and move quickly.

Summary slide creation and editing on completion of Pilot

Toggle interaction on publish

Opine Pilot invite landing page interaction